HomeLinkNZ: Business Profile




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HomeLink New Zealand

About HomeLink New Zealand:

HomeLink (since 1953) https:www.homelink.org HomeLink is traditional free of charge Home Exchanging. No complications such as ‘trading points’ or ‘pay per night’ just a simple modest annual fee. If this is what you are looking for you have come to the right place. Our Members live in Tourist spots or main centres in both NZ & Australia. They are used to travelling internationally but have now banded together to support Local Tourism to get back on its feet by supporting Local shops and restaurants. If you would like to join us there are hundreds of opportunities waiting for you. Why not try our months FREE TRIAL Since 1953 our global community has grown by embracing a wonderful tradition. We like to call it the ‘HomeLink Spirit’. It is our simple old fashioned community values. Respect, trust caring, generosity. We understand that these are the foundation of every great Home Exchange. Who exchanges? Typical Members HomeLink appeals to everyone who loves holidays whether at home or abroad They have a love of travel and want to travel more and more. Members exchange frequently between Australia & NZ Most have homes in Tourist area or near main centres. They have comfortable homes. Much better than staying in a hotel HomeLinkers are friendly welcoming people offering good advice for their Visitors. They often meet you at the airport or train station. Many have holiday homes, so easy for organising Non Simultaneous exchanges. They like to personally select their holiday venue & host and prefer not to be organised. Over 60% of our Members have been Members for more than 5 years. One couple since 1988!!

Location of HomeLink New Zealand:

Auckland - Hibiscus Coast

Member Since:

June 2020

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