Wordcaster: Business Profile




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Fiona Tate Wordcaster

About Fiona Tate Wordcaster:

About the Wordcaster Are You Weird, Wonderful, or Something Else Altogether? How do you explain to a stranger why your weirdness makes you and your business the only sensible option for them right now? How do you describe your services to someone who doesn’t believe in all that hocus pocus? How do you describe your products to someone who thinks you worship the devil because you sell tarot cards? How do you explain to the parents of a suicidal teenager that your methods aren’t traditional but that’s because the traditional methods aren’t working? How do you explain to the local goths why they should buy your clothes instead of adapting their own? How do you write your own bio without sounding like one of the characters in your book? Are These the Questions that Keep You Up at Night? I hear ya. I myself, am weird and wonderful. But, just like you, I’ve turned my weird and wonderfulness into a business. And also, just like you, I’m not just running a business, I have major plans to change the world. I write About Me pages and Sales pages for weird and wonderful businesses. For mental health bloggers and coaches and for Indie authors. Because singing your own praises is hard work for most of us. But, singing someone else’s praises is my idea of a fun time. Not only do I describe to the world who you are and what you do, but I also make damn sure that you know how your own uniqueness benefits the world. Why Did You Get into What You’re Into? Was it to annoy your parents? Prove to the world that alternative isn’t something evil, or scary? (Unless you sell horror movies and merch) Or was it simply because you wanted to spend your working life surrounded by things you love? Make music, write books, stop teenagers from killing themselves? Maybe you just didn’t want to get a real job? Or a haircut? Whatever the reason, you went ahead and created a business that’s unique, outrageous and a shit-ton of fun. But how do you explain your vision to the uninitiated? Or to the initiated but unaware? You Find a Wordcaster. And I just happen to know a good one. (You got that I meant me…right?) I’m a Wordcaster, Writer, and a Childless by Circumstance Mentor and Guide. I live with my husband and furbabies in a tiny seaside village called Birdlings Flat, in New Zealand. That’s the boring stuff. Here’s the interesting stuff: I’m into vampires, pipe metal music, crochet, horror movies, Type O Negative, books, and Elvis. Also, witchery, Joss Whedonry, and fuckery. Of the mischievous sort. And I’m into writing. I write vampire novels, short stories, non-fiction books, blog posts, mental health articles, web content, book reviews, lists, and the occasional dirty email to someone who’s annoyed me. What Does All This Fascinating Info Mean for You? It means I have tons of experience with writing content on weird, wonderful, or downright strange topics. Not only do I have experience with it, but I also love it! I know lots of words and I know how to arrange them in a way that’s entertaining, informative and persuasive. Because I write fiction, I’m used to writing in different voices and that’s why I can explain you and your business, in your words, with the information you want to tell them. I know what it’s like to be forced to function in a world that you don’t feel part of, just so you can get your stuff out there, to get to the people who crave it. I have a fancy looking certificate on my wall that says I have a BA in Psychology and a CV that records my over 25 years of work experience in mental health. More importantly, I’ve lived with Depression and Anxiety since childhood. So, explaining the ins and outs of mental illness to people who’ve never experienced it, is second nature to me. My Eternal Vow to You. Over-dramatic I know, but it sounds so much cooler than “I promise you I will…” With your passion for what you do, my words that clearly describe what you do, and our combined weird and wonderfulness, we’ll create content that converts.

Location of Fiona Tate Wordcaster:

Canterbury - Christchurch City

Member Since:

March 2019

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