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Native Chiropractic

Elly Packham (Chiropractor)


Sumner, Christchurch City, Canterbury

7/43 Nayland Street, Sumner, Christchurch 8081


Native Chiropractic offers gentle & specific chiropractic care from birth to beyond, as we understand everyone is better with a nervous system that is functioning well! We utilise specific chiropractic techniques and the latest research to be sure you and your family are functioning at your best, creating a higher level of health & vitality for all. We go the extra mile keeping you updated on your progress utilising functional outcomes. Chiropractic is a completely natural health care based on the simple truth that your body is designed to self-heal, self-regulate & is always striving for optimal health. Chiropractors work with the the vital communication network in our body, the nervous system. ​Your nervous system consists of your brain, spinal cord & the nerves that flow from it to every organ, muscle & cell in your body. We live our entire lives through our nervous system, every movement, sensation, emotion & organ function is governed by our nervous system. Vital messages are constantly being sent from your brain to your body & then from your body to your brain. This communication loop allows your brain to respond to your body's needs & adapt appropriately. Chiropractors specifically analyse & correct imbalance & interference within your nervous system to allow your body to heal & function the way it is designed to. Source Link:

Contact details


Native Chiropractic Christchurch

Primary contact number:

03 326 5060

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Member Since:

August 2020


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